Say I have a PairRDD as such (Obviously much more data in real life, assume millions of records):
val scores = sc.parallelize(Array(
(\"a\", 1),
I think this should be quite efficient:
Edited according to OP comments:
scores.mapValues(p => (p, p)).reduceByKey((u, v) => {
val values = List(u._1, u._2, v._1, v._2).sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse).distinct
if (values.size > 1) (values(0), values(1))
else (values(0), values(0))
scores.reduceByKey(_ + _).map(x => x._2 -> x._1).sortByKey(false).map(x => x._2 -> x._1).take(2).foreach(println)
Since version 1.4, there is a built-in way to do this using MLLib:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd.MLPairRDDFunctions.fromPairRDD
Slightly modified your input data.
val scores = sc.parallelize(Array(
("a", 1),
("a", 2),
("a", 3),
("b", 3),
("b", 1),
("a", 4),
("b", 4),
("b", 2),
("a", 6),
("b", 8)
I explain how to do it step by step:
1.Group by key to create array
(b,CompactBuffer(3, 1, 4, 2, 8))
(a,CompactBuffer(1, 2, 3, 4, 6))
As you see, each value itself is a array of numbers. CompactBuffer is just optimised array.
2.For each key, reverse sort list of numbers that value contains
scores.groupByKey().map({ case (k, numbers) => k -> numbers.toList.sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse)} ).foreach(println)
(b,List(8, 4, 3, 2, 1))
(a,List(6, 4, 3, 2, 1))
3.Keep only first 2 elements from the 2nd step, they will be top 2 scores in the list
scores.groupByKey().map({ case (k, numbers) => k -> numbers.toList.sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse).take(2)} ).foreach(println)
(a,List(6, 4))
(b,List(8, 4))
4.Flat map to create new Paired RDD for each key and top score
scores.groupByKey().map({ case (k, numbers) => k -> numbers.toList.sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse).take(2)} ).flatMap({case (k, numbers) => -> _)}).foreach(println)
5.Optional step - sort by key if you want
scores.groupByKey().map({ case (k, numbers) => k -> numbers.toList.sorted(Ordering[Int].reverse).take(2)} ).flatMap({case (k, numbers) => -> _)}).sortByKey(false).foreach(println)
Hope, this explanation helped to understand the logic.