I need to make a cross domain request from a script that runs in firefox (it\'s just for development purposes).
Can this be achieved? maybe modifying the about
A little late, but thought I'd post the info here anyway;
I didn't fully read the links in everyone's answers, but I had a quick look and I didn't see that anyone mentioned using the PrivilegeManager - Bypassing Security Restrictions and Signing Code. Using this you can have your FireFox JavaScript app invoke a request for extended security privileges in the browser, including cross domain XHR.
Opera 10.5 allows for "Allow Cross Domain Access".
There is a great post by James Padolsey on how to to cross domain requests using jQuery, But the post also has very good resources. There need to be some tweaking to be done on the other server to allow cross domain calls using crossdomain.xml
The Same Origin Policy applies to all browsers. Using javascript you can send GET and POST requests, but you will not be able to read the response like you can with XHR. XHR's can only be done against the domain the script is executing from. This is an important rule as it prevents wide spread Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF) vulnerabilities.
You can use flash with a crossdomain.xml file and I think this is the most robust solution because it will do exactly what you need and have the best browser compatibility.
EDIT: If you want specifically JavaScript running on Firefox to bypass the Same Origin Policy then you can build a custom add-on. Or perhaps the Cross Domain add-on will do what you need.
As mentioned by 'The Rook', you can use Flash to do cross-domain requests provided that the server you're talking to serves an XML policy file granting your server access. If you control both servers that should be easy enough to accomplish.
If you don't want to write any Flash code yourself or if you want to be able to do cross-domain over SSL/TLS check out the opensource Forge project:
cross-site xmlhttprequest with CORS