We have the following datastructures:
{:a => [\"val1\", \"val2\"], :b => [\"valb1\", \"valb2\"], ...}
And I want to turn that into
Let's look closely what the data structure we are trying to convert between:
#Format A
["val1", "val2"], :a
["valb1", "valb2"], :b
["valc1", "valc2"] :c
#Format B
[ :a :b :c
["val1", "valb1", "valc1"],
["val2", "valb2", "valc3"]
It is not diffculty to find Format B
is the transpose of Format A
in essential , then we can come up with this solution:
h={:a => ["vala1", "vala2"], :b => ["valb1", "valb2"], :c => ["valc1", "valc2"]}
sorted_keys = h.keys.sort_by {|a,b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}
puts sorted_keys.inject([]) {|s,e| s << h[e]}.transpose.inject([]) {|r, a| r << Hash[*sorted_keys.zip(a).flatten]}.inspect
#[{:b=>"valb1", :c=>"valc1", :a=>"vala1"}, {:b=>"valb2", :c=>"valc2", :a=>"vala2"}]
m = {}
a,b = Array(h).transpose
b.transpose.map { |y| [a, y].transpose.inject(m) { |m,x| m.merge Hash[*x] }}
My attempt, perhaps slightly more compact.
h = { :a => ["val1", "val2"], :b => ["valb1", "valb2"] }
h.values.transpose.map { |s| Hash[h.keys.zip(s)] }
Should work in Ruby 1.9.3 or later.
First, 'combine' the corresponding values into 'rows'
# => [["val1", "valb1"], ["val2", "valb2"]]
Each iteration in the map
block will produce one of these:
# => [[:a, "val1"], [:b, "valb1"]]
and Hash[]
will turn them into hashes:
# => {:a=>"val1", :b=>"valb1"} (for each iteration)
You could use inject
to build an array of hashes.
hash = { :a => ["val1", "val2"], :b => ["valb1", "valb2"] }
array = hash.inject([]) do |pairs, pair|
pairs << { pair[0] => pair[1] }
array.inspect # => "[{:a=>["val1", "val2"]}, {:b=>["valb1", "valb2"]}]"
Ruby documentation has a few more examples of working with inject
This will work assuming all the arrays in the original hash are the same size:
hash_array = hash.first[1].map { {} }
hash.each do |key,arr|
hash_array.zip(arr).each {|inner_hash, val| inner_hash[key] = val}
Using a functional approach (see Enumerable):
hs = h.values.transpose.map { |vs| h.keys.zip(vs).to_h }
#=> [{:a=>"val1", :b=>"valb1"}, {:a=>"val2", :b=>"valb2"}]
And back:
h_again = hs.first.keys.zip(hs.map(&:values).transpose).to_h
#=> {:a=>["val1", "val2"], :b=>["valb1", "valb2"]}