How can I run:
ng serve --prod
with pm2?
ng serve from angular-cli, Angular2. I\'m running on DigitalOcean.
I have tried to test with ht
ng is a node module after all.
- name: ngserve
script: 'node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng'
args: 'serve --progress=false --live-reload=false --disable-host-check=true'
watch: false
log_date_format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
merge_logs: true
out_file: "/dev/null"
error_file: "/dev/null"
But, if you need ng serve for dev in preprod env, you can create a at root of your project
ng serve --host --port xxxx
And use pm2 like that :
pm2 start --name my-pretty-dev-app-run-on-preprod
If you just want to serve static files, a new command has landed in pm2:
$ pm2 expose [path] [port]
This worked for me. The key difference here between this answer and the other answers is that I had to use the cwd
option since I was running pm2 from a root directory:
// pm2 start
module.exports = {
apps: [{
name: 'fe',
script: 'node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng',
args: 'serve -o',
cwd: 'biblical-hebrew-fe',
max_restarts: 5,
min_uptime: 3000,
exec_mode: 'fork',
instances: 1, // default
autorestart: true, // default
watch: false, // default
max_memory_restart: '1G', // default
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'development'
env_production: {
NODE_ENV: 'production'
deploy: {
production: {
user: 'node',
host: '',
ref: 'origin/master',
repo: '',
path: '/var/www/production',
'post-deploy': 'npm install && pm2 reload ecosystem.config.js --env production'
The following, for example, worked for me from the angular project:
pm2 start "ng serve --host"
This command would work as expected:
after I run
ng build --prod
then run the following command in the dist/ folder
pm2 start /usr/bin/http-server -- -p 8080 -d false
I have found a better solution:
which ng
then it will print /usr/bin/ng
then type this
pm2 start /usr/bin/ng -- serve --prod