I want that after installing my app from an OTA the home button of the device will not work at all so that user is unable to come out from the App. My digging led me to foll
Without jailbreaking, the app is sandboxed. The app simply does not have access to mess with the home button. And you really shouldn't be messing with the home button.
In addition to "Guided Access", you can also make use of "Restrictions", which will allow you to disable everything accept opening your app. You can disable Apple specific apps including Safari, and prevent users from installing apps, deleting apps, making purchases, etc...
We have a number of iPod touches with a ticket scanning app we rent out to our customers. We make use of "Restrictions" to disable everything besides our app. The most helpful restriction thus far is preventing people from deleting apps - It's incredible how many people will accidentally delete an app, even after the warning prompt.
The official answer of this question is "you can not disable home button in ios devices it is os level architecture and your are not authorized for it."
You need to dig to operating system flow to make any changes which might be quiet tough.
well, if you change you sight though it than there is one open and simple solution for this in ios 6 known as Guided Access.
If you are able to jailbreak your device create a LaunchDaemon or use an existing one. The LaunchDaemon is a file in plist format that is called upon rebooting and starting your device. You will also need a file named open
created by K3A
Download open
from here
You will need to move open
to /usr/bin/ or you can put it inside your app does not matter but set permissions to 0755 and root:wheel
Now on to the LaunchDaemons, they are stored here
Here is an example. Lets say you name the LaunchDaemon
Where it says com.bundle.identifier
put your apps identifier you may also find it in your Info.plist
inside of your apps directory where it says CFBundleIdentifier
Now inside the plist insert the following information
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
Label has to be the same name as the LaunchDaemon.plist excluding plist extension
ProgramArguments is what calls the file open and launches the app
RunAtLoad makes this plist launch upon reboot
StartInterval will make the LaunchDaemon.plist open back up after 1 second if the user exits the app, if the user is still in the app nothing will happened
Make sure the permissions for your LaunchDaemon is set to
0644 root:wheel
You can still use your mobileconfig so that the home button is disabled. Once assessment is complete you can disable the LaunchDaemon so that the app stops relaunching itself with the following command
launchctl unload/System/Library/LaunchDaemon/com.gauravstomar.plist
Let me know if you need any more help.
In iOS6, there's a feature called "Guided Access", which will allow device owners to lock users (like toddlers and school kids) into an app.
This explains the Guided Access for iOS 6 apps.