Applescript newbie question again :) I am trying to create a small applescript that will allow me to select multiple items from a list of currently running applications and
tell application "System Events"
set processList to get the name of every process whose background only is false
set processNameList to choose from list processList with prompt "Select process to quit" with multiple selections allowed
if the result is not false then
repeat with processName in processNameList
do shell script "Killall " & quoted form of processName
end repeat
end if
end tell
The following example AppleScript code is pretty straight forward and will gracefully quit the selected application(s), providing the selected application(s) is (are) in a stable state:
tell application "System Events" to ¬
set appList to the name of ¬
every process whose visible is true
set quitAppList to ¬
choose from list appList ¬
with multiple selections allowed
repeat with thisApp in quitAppList
quit application thisApp
end repeat
When I present a list to choose from, I prefer to have it in alphabetical order and to that end I use a handler to first sort the list before presenting it:
on SortList(thisList)
set indexList to {}
set sortedList to {}
set theCount to (count thisList)
repeat theCount times
set lowItem to ""
repeat with i from 1 to theCount
if i is not in the indexList then
set thisItem to item i of thisList as text
if lowItem is "" then
set lowItem to thisItem
set lowItemIndex to i
else if thisItem comes before lowItem then
set lowItem to thisItem
set lowItemIndex to i
end if
end if
end repeat
set end of sortedList to lowItem
set end of indexList to lowItemIndex
end repeat
return the sortedList
end SortList
To use this with the first block of code presented I typically add handlers at the bottom of my code and then to use it, add the following example AppleScript code between the tell application "Finder" to ¬
and set quitAppList to ¬
set appList to SortList(appList)
Note: I acquired this particular handler somewhere on the Internet too many years ago to remember and unfortunately lost who to credit it to. My apologies to whomever you are.