I have api which return json response and I want to store that json response in localstorage to use that response in my another html page using angularjs.
Here is my
I want to suggest this one because I used it and it works stable https://github.com/gsklee/ngStorage.
After downloading and attaching it to your project you should add it as a dependency
QAApp.controller('SearchCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $location,$localStorage) {
$scope.search = function (searchtag) {
var request = $http({
method: 'GET',
url: server + 'api/question/tagged/' + searchtag,
request.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$localStorage.qa = datal
$scope.qa = data;
On your request.success(),use
window.localStorage['storageName'] = angular.toJson(data);
Then you can access the data in localstorage by
var accessData = window.localStorage['storageName'];
$scope.Save = angular.toJson(data); //Save to storage
localStorage.setItem('blablabla', $scope.Save);
$scope.DataFromJson = JSON.parse(sessionStorage["blablabla"]); //Get from storage
$scope.DataFromJson = JSON.parse(localStorage["blablabla"]);
/* To retrive json from localStorage */
var user = angular.fromJson($window.localStorage['md-user']);
/* To store json in loacalStorage */
$window.localStorage['md-user'] = angular.toJson(user);
I recommend using the angular-local-storage module on GitHub.
To store
$scope.storeItem = function() {
sessionStorage.setItem('item', angular.toJson($scope.selectedItem));
To retrieve
$scope.retrieve = function() {
$scope.selectedItem = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('item'));