I\'ve got a script that takes in a value in seconds (to 2 decimal points of fractional seconds):
$seconds_input = 23.75
I then convert it t
My take
function formatSeconds( $seconds )
$hours = 0;
$milliseconds = str_replace( "0.", '', $seconds - floor( $seconds ) );
if ( $seconds > 3600 )
$hours = floor( $seconds / 3600 );
$seconds = $seconds % 3600;
return str_pad( $hours, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT )
. gmdate( ':i:s', $seconds )
. ($milliseconds ? ".$milliseconds" : '')
And then the test
$testData = array(
23, // Seconds, w/o millis
23.75, // Seconds, w/millis
23.75123456789, // Lots of millis
123456789.75 // Lots of seconds
foreach ( $testData as $seconds )
echo formatSeconds( $seconds ), PHP_EOL;
which yields
Edit: Well, I was a bit hasty. Here's one way to do what you're asking:
function formatMilliseconds($milliseconds) {
$seconds = floor($milliseconds / 1000);
$minutes = floor($seconds / 60);
$hours = floor($minutes / 60);
$milliseconds = $milliseconds % 1000;
$seconds = $seconds % 60;
$minutes = $minutes % 60;
$format = '%u:%02u:%02u.%03u';
$time = sprintf($format, $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $milliseconds);
return rtrim($time, '0');
Mine is much less readable, so it must be better. :p
Basically the same idea as @ircmaxell's version. It does trim the trailing '0's and even will skip the last '.' separator if milliseconds are 0.
function format_period($seconds_input)
$hours = (int)($minutes = (int)($seconds = (int)($milliseconds = (int)($seconds_input * 1000)) / 1000) / 60) / 60;
return $hours.':'.($minutes%60).':'.($seconds%60).(($milliseconds===0)?'':'.'.rtrim($milliseconds%1000, '0'));
echo format_period(23.75);
if you really want to do it using date function you are right, you have to deal with milliseconds externally, is only based on second-timestamps.
you could do something like this:
$input = "23.75";
$seconds = floor($input);
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('s', floor($seconds));
$ms = ($input-$seconds);
if($ms == 0) {
$ms = "";
} else {
$ms = ltrim($ms,"0,");
echo $date->format('H:i:s').$ms;
but be aware of the hour-overflow, if your hours exceed 24 you will probably end up discarding the days.
in your case i would say your approach with floor to get the seconds is correct, and then you should probably just use modulo arithmetics like this:
$totalsecs = 86400*10;
$secs = $totalsecs%60;
echo "secs: $secs \n";
$minutes = ($totalsecs - $secs) % (60*60);
?> and so on..