I am trying to read a JSON file like this:
\"presentationName\" : \"Here some text\",
\"presentationAutor\" : \"Here some text\",
For Gson you can paste your json file here : https://www.freecodeformat.com/json2pojo.php Create appropriate pojo classes and then use this code :
Gson gson = new Gson();
try (Reader reader = new FileReader("pathToYourFile.json")) {
// Convert JSON File to Java Object
Root root = gson.fromJson(reader, Root.class);
// print staff you need
} catch (IOException e) {
It's working! Thx Russell. I will finish my exercice and try GSON to see the difference.
New code here:
JSONArray slideContent = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("presentationSlides");
Iterator i = slideContent.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
JSONObject slide = (JSONObject) i.next();
String title = (String)slide.get("title");
You never assign a new value to jsonObject
, so inside the loop it still refers to the full data object. I think you want something like:
JSONObject slide = i.next();
String title = (String)slide.get("title");