is using TinyMCE a top choice for WYSIWYG editor on a webpage? What are good alternatives?

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谎友^ 2020-12-30 04:35

is using TinyMCE a top choice for WYSIWYG editor on a webpage? What are good alternatives?

some comparison seems to show that TinyMCE is one of the most compatible

  • 2020-12-30 05:02

    I've been using FCKEditor with ASP.NET for years and have found it very easy to customize and configure. It's very stable and the intergrated upload feature is a plus.

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  • 2020-12-30 05:02

    YUI Editor

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  • 2020-12-30 05:02

    TinyMCE and similar editors are not suitable for non-technical people who are likely to mess up the markup. Specially when said non-techy people copy formatted text from word into the RTE on the web page, thinking it's the most natural thing to do.

    If you're audience is technical, something like markdown (as used here on SO) is more suitable.

    If they're non-technical, let them use WYMeditor (WYM = what you mean), and provide some sort of a tutorial/explanation so they can use it.

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  • 2020-12-30 05:03

    TinyMCE is a great choice. I've used it in commercial offerings with good results. I'm also looking at FCKEditor for a new project specifically because of the integrated file upload and rumors that it has better XSS protection. Frankly, I'm not sure either one is sufficient to protect against XSS (you may have to supplement with something like if that is a concern).

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  • 2020-12-30 05:08

    TinyMCE was the editor that we chose when we were making an internal staff website. The nice part about it was all the keyboard shortcuts (probably found in other editors) and that it was the same editor used inside of WordPress.

    We were very happy with how the site turned out, and kept the editor. I would recommend TinyMCE for your project.

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  • Nicedit is useful for some simple text areas and it has a somewhat clean javascript api.

    There is a list of other possible richtext boxes here.

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