My friend came to me with a small request of creating a video portfolio app. I thought it was a good excuse to try out Swift, which is what I did. (The app is not intended f
In my case, I had created the directory "Resources" absentmindedly and added it as a reference to my project. Renaming this folder, cleaning the project, and deleting the derived data (~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
) fixed it for me.
in my case, i missed the bundle ID. check if you have filled the bundle ID field in your project.
Check infoplist file under TARGETS -> General - > Identity.
Please add the new infoplist file if missing in project folder. For new info plist values you can create new dummy project and copy, rename the infoplist file from there.
Maybe the files with the extension ".m" are not in "Compile Sources".
Click in the Target > Build Phrases > Compile Source
and look if "main.m" and others ".m" files are added here.