returns the last modified date. File does not seem to have any method to fetch lastAccessed date. Is there a way to programmatically fetch t
You can get the last access time using stat or lstat. The two methods, android.system.Os.stat(String path) and android.system.Os.lstat(String path), were made public in Android 5.0. On previous Android versions you will need to use reflection or run a command in a shell.
Android 5.0+
long lastAccessTime = Os.lstat(file.getAbsolutePath()).st_atime;
Using reflection before Android 5.0
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName("");
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("os");
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
Object os = field.get(null);
Method method = os.getClass().getMethod("lstat", String.class);
Object lstat = method.invoke(os, file.getAbsolutePath());
field = lstat.getClass().getDeclaredField("st_atime");
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
long lastAccessTime = field.getLong(lstat);
I don't think last access time is used on Android. From the java.nio
If the file system implementation does not support a time stamp to indicate the time of last access then this method returns an implementation specific default value, typically the last-modified-time or a FileTime representing the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
I tested changing the last access time using the following command:
touch -a [PATH]
This did change the last access time when I ran the command as the root user. However, I don't think the last accessed time is updated/used on Android.
Try this: file = new"file-path");
lastModified ()
import java.util.Date;
public class FileExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File f = null;
String path;
long millisec;
boolean bool = false;
f = new File("c:/demo.txt");
bool = f.exists();
millisec = f.lastModified();
// date and time
Date dt = new Date(millisec);
// path
path = f.getPath();
System.out.print(path+" last modified at: "+dt);
}catch(Exception e){