Motivation: I often want to paste the results of a quick analysis using R Markdown into a StackExchange site. This includes the R-tag on Stack Overflow, Cro
Although I'd still like to read other suggestions I hacked together this script using @Ramnath's answer as a starting point. It outputs a HTML fragment rather than Markdown.
Rscript -e 'rmd_file <- dir(pattern="rmd"); md_file <- sub("rmd", "md", rmd_file); html_file <- sub("rmd", "html", rmd_file); require(methods); require(knitr); require(markdown); opts_knit$set( = imgur_upload); knit(rmd_file); markdownToHTML(md_file, html_file, options="fragment_only") '
file in the working directory. I imagine that selecting the rmd file could be done in a more sophisticated way.knitr
and markdown
packages are installed.methods
package needs to be loaded.The result looks pretty good. It overcomes the issue of excessive blank lines. However, the output is not markdown, which makes the result harder to edit.
RStudio uses pandoc and so you can specify the markdown variant suitable for your needs. At the start of the .Rmd file:
variant: markdown_strict+autolink_bare_uris
You should then be able to copy/paste the resulting file contents into StackExchange.
Here is a utility function that should get you started. It sets auto uploads to imgur, as well as markdown rendering of source code using tabs instead of fenced blocks. You can enhance this function to add other options that would be useful.
stackify <- function(rmd_file, ...){
opts_knit$set( = imgur_upload)
render_markdown(strict = TRUE)
out <- knit(rmd_file, ...)
UPDATE: I tested this function on your test file, and it renders well on which is mathjax