And who has the authority to decide?
Edit: Apparently I haven\'t succeeded in formulating my question well.
I am not asking how Java\'s
Sure, different people currently have different definitions of what "pass-by-reference" means. And that is why they disagree on whether something is pass-by-reference or not.
However, whatever definition you use, you must use it consistently across languages. You can't say that one language has pass-by-value, and have the exact same semantics in another language and say that it is pass-by-reference. Pointing out the analogies between languages is the best way to address this dispute, because although people might have strong opinions about the passing modes in particular languages, when you contrast the identical semantics with other languages, it sometimes brings counter-intuitive results that force them to re-think their definition.
If one agrees with this viewpoint, then one must also consider most languages, including as diverse ones as Python, Ruby, OCaml, Scheme, Smalltalk, SML, Go, JavaScript, Objective-C, etc. as pass-by-value only. If any of this strikes you as strange or counterintuitive, I challenge you to point out why you think it is different between the semantics of objects in any of those languages from objects in Java. (I know that the some of these languages may explicitly claim that they are pass-by-reference; but it is irrelevant what they say; a consistent definition must be applied to all languages based on the actual behavior.)
Take your Java example:
class Thing { int x; }
void func(Thing object){ object.x = 42; object = null; }
Thing something = null;
something = new Thing();
in C, it would be equivalent to this:
typedef struct { int x; } Thing;
void func(Thing *object){ object->x = 42; object = NULL; }
Thing *something = NULL;
something = malloc(sizeof Thing);
memset(something, 0, sizeof(something));
// later:
I claim that the above are semantically equivalent; only the syntax is different. The only syntax differences are:
to denote a pointer type; Java's reference (pointers to objects) types don't need an explicit *
to access a field through a pointer; Java just uses .
to dynamically allocate memory for a new object on the heap; C uses malloc
to allocate it, and then we need to initialize the memory.Note that, importantly,
, without needing to do anything like taking address or anything.object = null;
inside the function does not affect the calling scope.So the semantics are the same in both cases, so if you call Java pass-by-reference you must call C pass-by-reference too.
Java doesn't pass by reference. You are always passing a copy/by value. However if you pass an object then you will get a copy of the reference. So you can directly edit the object, however if you overwrite your local reference then the original object reference won't be overriden.
Passing by reference is, in effect, passing a reference to a value -- rather than a copy of it -- as an argument.
I guess before we go on, certain things should be defined. I may be using them differently than you're used to seeing them used.
An object is a molecule of data. It occupies storage, and may contain other objects, but has its own identity and may be referred to and used as a single unit.
A reference is an alias, or handle, to an object. At the language level, a reference mostly acts like the thing it's referring to; depending on the language, the compiler/interpreter/runtime/gnomes will automagically dereference it when the actual object is needed.
A value is the result of evaluating an expression. It is a concrete object, that can be stored, passed to functions, etc. (OOP wonks, note i use "object" here in the generic "molecule of data" sense, rather than the OOP "instance of a class" sense.)
A variable is a named reference to a pre-allocated value.
Especially note: variables are not values. The name notwithstanding, variables typically do not change. Their value is what changes. That they're so easily mixed up is partly a testament to how good the reference<-->referent illusion usually is.
A reference-typed variable (a la Java, C#, ...) is a variable whose value is a reference.
Most languages, when you pass a variable as an argument, will by default create a copy of the variable's value and pass the copy. The callee binds its name for the parameter to that copy. This is called "passing by value" (or, more clearly, "passing by copy"). The two variables on either side of the call end up with different storage locations, and are thus completely different variables (only related in that they typically start out with equal values).
Passing by reference, on the other hand, doesn't do the copy. Instead, it passes the variable itself (minus the name). That is, it passes a reference to the very same value the variable aliases. (This is typically done by implicitly passing a pointer to the variable's storage, but that's just an implementation detail; the caller and callee don't have to know or care how it happens.) The callee binds its parameter's name to that location. The end result is that both sides use the same storage location (just by possibly different names). Any changes the callee makes to its variable are thus also made to the caller's variable. For example, in the case of object-oriented languages, the variable can be assigned a whole different value.
Most languages (including Java) do not support this natively. Oh, they like to say they do...but that's because people who have never been able to truly pass by reference, often don't grok the subtle difference between doing so and passing a reference by value. Where the confusion comes in with those languages, is with reference-type variables. Java itself never works directly with reference-type objects, but with references to those objects. The difference is in the variables "containing" said objects. The value of a reference-type variable is such a reference (or, sometimes, a special reference value that means "nothing"). When Java passes such a reference, while it doesn't copy the object, it still copies the value (ie: the reference the function gets is a copy of the value the variable refers to). That is, it is passing a reference, but is passing it by value. This allows most of the things that passing by reference allows, but not all.
The most obvious test i can think of for real pass-by-reference support, would be the "swap test". A language that natively supports passing by reference must provide enough support to write a function swap
that swaps the values of its arguments. Code equivalent to this:
swap (x, y): <-- these should be declared as "reference to T"
temp = x
x = y
y = temp
value1 = (any valid T)
value2 = (any other valid T)
a = value1
b = value2
swap(a, b)
assert (a == value2 and b == value1)
(Obviously, languages that don't have mutable variables can't be tested this way -- but that's fine, because they don't matter. The big semantic difference between the two is how modifiable the caller's variable is by the callee. When the variable's value is not modifiable in any case, the difference becomes merely an implementation detail or optimization.)
Note, most of the talk in this answer is about "variables". A number of languages, like C++, also allow passing anonymous values by reference. The mechanism is the same; the value takes up storage, and the reference is an alias to it. It just doesn't necessarily have a name in the caller.
Passing parameters by reference means that the pointer nesting of parameters is deeper than the pointer nesting of local variables. If you have a variable with the type of a class, the variable is a pointer to the actual value. A variable of a primitive type is contains the value itself.
Now, if you pass these variables by value, you keep the pointer nesting: The object reference stays a pointer to the object, and the primitive variable stays the value itself.
Passing the variables as references means that the pointer nesting gets deeper: You pass a pointer to the object reference, so that you can change the object reference; or you pass a pointer to the primitive, so that you can change its value.
These definitions are used in C# and Object Pascal which both have keywords to pass a variable by reference.
To answer your question: Because the last variables - whatever
in the first example and thing_pointer
in the second one - are passed to the function each through a pointer (&
), both are passed by reference.
Who has the authority to decide? Nobody, and everybody. You decide for yourself; a writer decides for his or her book; and a reader decides whether to agree with the writer.
To understand the term, one needs to go under the hood of the language (and explaining them in terms of C code rather misses the point). Parameter passing styles refer to mechanisms that compilers typically use to create certain behaviour. The following are usually defined:
(A note of terminology: a parameter is the variable defined in the subroutine, an argument is the expression that is used in a call.)
Textbooks usually also define pass by name, but it's rare and not easy to explain here. Pass by need also exists.
The importance of the parameter passing style is its effect: in pass by value, any changes made to the parameter is not communicated to the argument; in pass by result, any changes made to the parameter are communicated to the argument at the end; in pass by reference, any changes made to the parameter are communicated to the argument as they are made.
Some languages define more than one passing style, allowing the programmer to select their preferred style for each parameter separately. For example, in Pascal, the default style is pass by value, but a programmer can use the var
keyword to specify pass by reference. Some other languages specify one passing style. There are also languages that specify different styles for different types (for example, in C, pass by value is the default but arrays are passed by reference).
Now, in Java, technically we have a language with pass-by-value, with the value of an object variable being a reference to the object. Whether that makes Java pass-by-reference where object variables are concerned is a matter of taste.
Wikipedia gives a very clear definition of call-by-reference I can not improve upon:
In call-by-reference evaluation (also referred to as pass-by-reference), a function receives an implicit reference to a variable used as argument, rather than a copy of its value. This typically means that the function can modify (i.e. assign to) the variable used as argument- something that will be seen by its caller.
Note that neither of your examples is call-by-reference, because assigning a formal parameter in C never modifies the argument as seen by the caller.
But that's enough copy-pasting, read the thorough discussion (with examples) at