Working off of Eric Martinez\' answer from Angular 2 - Adding / Removing components on the fly, I want to limit the amount of components created. And then after deleting a c
The issue here is that dynamically loaded components don't have a parent / child relationship with the components where they're loaded in. That's why to access properties from the dynamically loaded component you have to use
. The component is not being compiled along with the parent, therefore the parent knows nothing about the foster component.
Now, that being said, what you can do is to make a property that you can subscribe to and I wouldn't use an EventEmitter for that.
My solution would be to use a Subject instead (as I'm doing in a little project of my own).
Your dynamic component would look like this
class DynamicCmp {
// Subject instead of an EventEmitter
lowerIndex: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();
remove() {
// We send true, although in the example is not being used;
// Remove the component from the view
Your component where you're loading the dynamic component
template : '<div #location></div>'; // Note that I removed (lowerIndex)="..."
this._dcl.loadIntoLocation(DynamicCmp, this._e, 'location').then((ref) => {
// Subscribe to the Subject property
ref.instance.lowerIndex.subscribe(v => {
Here's your plnkr working and updated to beta.12.