I have been working on a PowerShell script to keep our development process streamlined. I was planning on running it as a post-build event,
I've made this work in the past (see http://sharepointpdficon.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/13092#300544 if interested):
C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -Command .'$(ProjectDir)Deployment\PostBuildScript.ps1' -ProjectDir:'$(ProjectDir)' -ConfigurationName:'$(ConfigurationName)' -TargetDir:'$(TargetDir)' -TargetFileName:'$(TargetFileName)' -TargetName:'$(TargetName)
Then throw these parameters in the first line of your post-build script (if you think you may be able to use them):
param($ProjectDir, $ConfigurationName, $TargetDir, $TargetFileName)
Also I should point out, I am not using this presently. I did like using it as a quick scratchpad to reload test data for running integration tests.
Looks like your problem is how relative paths are resolved. Relative paths are resolved based on the current location (stored in $pwd
) and not based on the location of the script. So if you launched the script from C:\
, it definitely would not work.
I would suggest you calculate the paths based on an argument (like Peter Seale shows), or grab the actual location of the script from: