I have an image and I want to start a youtube video only after I click the image. How can I do this?
Thanks a lot!
Another approach - switch iframe SRC (URL) with "?autoplay=1" version.
<a href="#" id="clickMe">PLAY</a>
<iframe id="iframe" width="1280" height="720" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/F0naUkyEkmM"
var vi = jQuery("#iframe");
vi.attr("src", vi.data("autoplay-src") );
.click() JQuery event handler:
$("#iframe")[0].src += "&autoplay=1";
Have a look at:
Youtube API examples
the code will be something like this:
function onPlayerReady(event) {
$('img').click(function() {
I think this will help you. Working fine for me.
$('.trigger').on('click', function () {
$(".video")[0].src += "1";
<a href="#" class="trigger">Click</a>
<iframe class="video" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HJX71gFz_do?autoplay=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
adding autoplay=1 only seems to work the first time. I am using a start/stop button and when i click it the first time, i add autoplay=1. Then when i click it again I remove the autoplay=1. That works fine.
but when i try to start it again (adding autoplay=1), it won't start.