Is an outer join possible with Linq to Entity Framework

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南笙 2020-12-30 02:22

There are many examples of outer join using Linq to Sql, all of them hinging on DefaultIfEmpty() which is not supported with Linq to Entity Framework.


  • 2020-12-30 03:21

    In LINQ to Entities, think in terms of relationships rather than SQL joins. Hence, the literal equivalent of a SQL outer join on an entity Person with a one to zero or one relationship to CustomerInfo would be:

    var q = from p in Context.People
            select new
                Name = p.Name,
                IsPreferredCustomer = (bool?)p.CustomerInfo.IsPreferredCustomer

    L2E will coalesce the join, so that if CustomerInfo is null then the whole expression evaluates to null. Hence the cast to a nullable bool, because the inferred type of non-nullable bool couldn't hold that result.

    For one-to-many, you generally want a hierarchy, rather than a flat, SQL-style result set:

    var q = from o in Context.Orders
            select new 
                OrderNo = o.OrderNo,
                PartNumbers = from od in o.OrderDetails
                              select od.PartNumber

    This is like a left join insofar as you still get orders with no details, but it's a graph like OO rather than a set like SQL.

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