I am using time.sleep(10) in my program. Can display the countdown in the shell when I run my program?
tasks done, now sleeping
may return earlier if the sleep is interrupted by a signal or later (depends on the scheduling of other processes/threads by OS/the interpreter).
To improve accuracy over multiple iterations, to avoid drift for large number of iterations, the countdown may be locked with the clock:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
for i in reversed(range(1, 1001)):
time.sleep(1 - time.time() % 1) # sleep until a whole second boundary
sys.stderr.write('\r%4d' % i)
Here's one I did:
import time
a = input("How long is the countdown?")
while a != 0:
print a
a = a-1
At the end if you and an else you can put an alarm or whatever.
This is something that I've learned at one of my first python lessons, we played with ["/","-","|","\","|"] but the principle is the same:
import time
for i in reversed(range(0, 10)):
print "%s\r" %i,
This is the best way to display a timer in the console for Python 3.x:
import time
import sys
for remaining in range(10, 0, -1):
sys.stdout.write("{:2d} seconds remaining.".format(remaining))
sys.stdout.write("\rComplete! \n")
This writes over the previous line on each cycle.
you could always do
#do some stuff
print 'tasks done, now sleeping for 10 seconds'
for i in xrange(10,0,-1):
print i
This snippet has the slightly annoying feature that each number gets printed out on a newline. To avoid this, you can
import sys
import time
for i in xrange(10,0,-1):
sys.stdout.write(str(i)+' ')
Sure, just write a loop that prints 10 minus the iteration counter, then have it sleep 1 second each iteration and run for 10 iterations. Or, to be even more flexible:
def printer(v):
print v
def countdown_timer(duration, step=1, output_function=printer,
prompt='Waiting {duration} seconds.'):
for i in xrange(duration/step):
output_function(duration - step * i)