I have several lines and I know that clicking on the \"dot\" in the legend will hide/show it.
However, I need to start with some of the lines being disabled and not
After reading this answer I still had to do some more reading in order for me to understand how to set a stream disabled from my JSON data-stream for the graphs.
The example below is what solved it for me disabled: true
key: "something",
disabled: true,
values: [...]
You could start out with a hidden chart and try something like this:
// Array of series you want to hide
var hidden = [0, 2];
// Dispatch click event to each element
var e = document.createEvent('UIEvents');
e.initUIEvent('click', true, true);
.filter(function(d, i){return hidden.indexOf(i) !== -1;})
Once this finishes, unhide your chart and the series will be disabled.
You can change which streams are enabled/disabled by using the chart.state()
object. For example:
// Assuming your chart is called 'chart'
var state = chart.state();
for(var i=0; i < state.disabled.length; i++) {
state.disabled[i] = ...LOGIC RETURNING TRUE OR FALSE...;
For each of your data series that you want disabled, just do:
nvd3 does not do everything, but if you are willing to peruse the code it is actually quite flexible. I discovered this by finding this line in the source of several of the chart models:
state.disabled = data.map(function(d) { return !!d.disabled });