For an unknown reason, when I tried to build my Google App Engine endpoints, I get these errors in all of the API java files generated by Android Studio:
Same thing happened to me this morning.
I resolved it by adding this in my backend project
appengine {
endpoints {
googleClientVersion = '1.23.0'
and updating this version in my app gradle file.
Faced the same problem. I upgraded google client libs to 1.23.0 and it worked (earlier was 1.22.0)
compile ''
compile ''
We already had these in our backend build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
All we needed was adding:
appengine {
endpoints {
googleClientVersion = '1.23.0'
But it'd have been nice if Google didn't break our codes every once in awhile out of the blue and wasting hours of development time!