Let say, I access to a server using ssh. In the same time, there is another person accessing that server.
Is it possible to watch what is going on in that person\'s
To capture what Alice types in a terminal, and then the next day let Bob see what was typed -- without any risk of Bob accidentally typing anything into that terminal -- Alice can type "showterm" ( http://showterm.io ) in her terminal window to start the recording.
To share a terminal so Alice and Bob both see "the same" terminal window and can both type commands into that window, there seems to be three popular methods: Byobu, tmux, or screen.
(tmate is a fork of tmux that works just as well, perhaps better).
You can also try "cat /dev/vcsa1"
If you mean that the other person wants you to see his console, you two can use screen to share a terminal. See http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/html_node/Multiuser-Session.html for a full description of how to do it.