Storyboard Global Tint UITabBar Tint changed in IOS 7.1

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北海茫月 2020-12-30 01:09

Have I overlooked something in just using the Global Tint to set the apps overall tint?

My App that worked in IOS 7.06 has suddenly changed today after IOS 7.1 Updat

  • 2020-12-30 01:29

    Swift code that works under iOS 11 (in AppDelegate's didFinishLaunching):[0].rootViewController?.view.tintColor =
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  • 2020-12-30 01:44

    This is a known bug in the 7.1 betas which was never fixed in the final release.

    Like you, I have had the same problem and had to set it manually as a fix.

    It is recommended that if you want to set a global tint color, to do so in -application:will/didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. Alternatively, if you want specific colors for each view controller, to do so in prepareForSeque:.

    Personally I have tried setting it in -viewWillAppear:animated: in my UINavigationController root view and it appears to work fine.

    See the devforum thread here

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