Have I overlooked something in just using the Global Tint to set the apps overall tint?
My App that worked in IOS 7.06 has suddenly changed today after IOS 7.1 Updat
Swift code that works under iOS 11 (in AppDelegate's didFinishLaunching):
application.windows[0].rootViewController?.view.tintColor = UIColor.black
This is a known bug in the 7.1 betas which was never fixed in the final release.
Like you, I have had the same problem and had to set it manually as a fix.
It is recommended that if you want to set a global tint color, to do so in -application:will/didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
. Alternatively, if you want specific colors for each view controller, to do so in prepareForSeque:
Personally I have tried setting it in -viewWillAppear:animated:
in my UINavigationController
root view and it appears to work fine.
See the devforum thread here