I am working on a static page that uses React, Gatsby, and styled-components.
When styling a page, my development workflow usually heavily involves Chrome DevTools,
At a guess, I'd say you might be affected by this bug:
If you close the dev tools and reopen them again, this might fix the issue temporarily.
I did a full quit of Chrome (Cmd + q), ran npm update, npm install, and did a full relaunch of the browser and localhost server. This fixed it for me.
It's because styled-components injects styles through the CSSOM API, which the Dev Tools in Chrome (and every other browser AFAIK) can't handle. See this ticket: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=387952
Note that this is only true when styled-components is in production mode, i.e. process.env.NODE_ENV
is set to "production"
. As long as you aren't in production mode, styled-components should generate normal <style>
tags, which you can interact with through the Dev Tools.
In v4.1.0 it's possible to provide SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY flag to disable styles injection with CSSOM insertRule
More details