I want to have simple representation of any class, like { property = value }
, is there auto __repr__
Yes, you can make a class "AutoRepr" and let all other classes extend it:
>>> class AutoRepr(object):
... def __repr__(self):
... items = ("%s = %r" % (k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items())
... return "<%s: {%s}>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(items))
>>> class AnyOtherClass(AutoRepr):
... def __init__(self):
... self.foo = 'foo'
... self.bar = 'bar'
>>> repr(AnyOtherClass())
"<AnyOtherClass: {foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'}>"
Note that the above code will not act nicely on data structures that (either directly or indirectly) reference themselves. As an alternative, you can define a function that works on any type:
>>> def autoRepr(obj):
... try:
... items = ("%s = %r" % (k, v) for k, v in obj.__dict__.items())
... return "<%s: {%s}." % (obj.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(items))
... except AttributeError:
... return repr(obj)
>>> class AnyOtherClass(object):
... def __init__(self):
... self.foo = 'foo'
... self.bar = 'bar'
>>> autoRepr(AnyOtherClass())
"<AnyOtherClass: {foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'}>"
>>> autoRepr(7)
>>> autoRepr(None)
Note that the above function is not defined recursively, on purpose, for the reason mentioned earlier.
Well, I played a little bit with other answers and got a very pretty solution:
class data:
def repr(obj):
items = []
for prop, value in obj.__dict__.items():
item = "%s = %r" % (prop, value)
assert len(item) < 20
item = "%s: <%s>" % (prop, value.__class__.__name__)
return "%s(%s)" % (obj.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(items))
def __init__(self, cls):
cls.__repr__ = data.repr
self.cls = cls
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.cls(*args, **kwargs)
You use it as a decorator:
class PythonBean:
def __init__(self):
self.int = 1
self.list = [5, 6, 7]
self.str = "hello"
self.obj = SomeOtherClass()
and get a smart __repr__
out of the box:
PythonBean(int = 1, obj: <SomeOtherClass>, list = [5, 6, 7], str = 'hello')
This works with any recursive classes, including tree structures. If you try to put a self-reference in the class self.ref = self
, the function will try (successfully) to work it out for about a second.
Of course, always mind your boss - mine would not like such a syntax sugar ))
Do you mean
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, foo: str, bar: int):
self.foo = foo
self.bar = bar
self._baz: bool = True
def __repr__(self):
f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')])})"
mc = MyClass('a', 99)
# MyClass(foo=a, bar=99)
# ^^^ Note that _baz=True was hidden here
I use this helper function to generate repr s for my classes. It is easy to run in a unittest function, ie.
def test_makeRepr(self):
makeRepr(Foo, Foo(), "anOptional space delimitedString ToProvideCustom Fields")
this should output a number of potential repr to the console, that you can then copy/paste into your class.
def makeRepr(classObj, instance = None, customFields = None):
"""Code writing helper function that will generate a __repr__ function that can be copy/pasted into a class definition.
classObj (class):
instance (class):
customFields (string):
Always call the __repr__ function afterwards to ensure expected output.
ie. print(foo)
def __repr__(self):
msg = "<Foo(var1 = {}, var2 = {})>"
attributes = [self.var1, self.var2]
return msg.format(*attributes)
if isinstance(instance, classObj):
className = instance.__class__.__name__
print('Generating a __repr__ function for: ', className,"\n")
print("\tClass Type: "+classObj.__name__, "has the following fields:")
print("\t"+" ".join(classObj.__dict__.keys()),"\n")
if instance:
print("\tInstance of: "+instance.__class__.__name__, "has the following fields:")
print("\t"+" ".join(instance.__dict__.keys()),"\n")
print('\tInstance of: Instance not provided.\n')
if customFields:
print("\t"+"These fields were provided to makeRepr:")
print("\t"+"These fields were provided to makeRepr: None\n")
print("Edit the list of fields, and rerun makeRepr with the new list if necessary.\n\n")
print("repr with class type:\n")
classResult = buildRepr( classObj.__name__, " ".join(classObj.__dict__.keys()))
if isinstance(instance, classObj):
instanceResult = buildRepr( instance.__class__.__name__, " ".join(instance.__dict__.keys()))
instanceResult = "\t-----Instance not provided."
print("repr with instance of class:\n")
if customFields:
customResult = buildRepr( classObj.__name__, customFields)
customResult = '\t-----Custom fields not provided'
print("repr with custom fields and class name:\n")
print('Current __repr__')
print("Class Object: ",classObj)
if instance:
print("Instance: ",instance.__repr__())
print("Instance: ", "None")
def buildRepr(typeName,fields):
funcDefLine = "def __repr__(self):"
msgLineBase = ' msg = "<{typename}({attribute})>"'
attributeListLineBase = ' attributes = [{attributeList}]'
returnLine = ' return msg.format(*attributes)'
x = ['self.' + x for x in fields.split()]
xResult = ", ".join(x)
y = [x + ' = {}' for x in fields.split()]
yResult = ', '.join(y)
msgLine = msgLineBase.format(typename = typeName, attribute = yResult)
attributeListLine = attributeListLineBase.format(attributeList = xResult)
result = "{declaration}\n{message}\n{attributes}\n{returnLine}".format(declaration = funcDefLine,
message = msgLine,
attributes = attributeListLine,
returnLine =returnLine )
return result
Simplest way:
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)