I have an IntelliJ project composing several subprojects which are all Java 9 modules. I use Maven as a build system. My project has no \"Facets\". My run configuration look
Try to rebuild the module using Ctrl+Shift+F9 or right click on the module and select "Rebuild " in menu.
Even in 2019.1.3 that error is there .
A solution that always works for me is :
Build menu => Rebuild Project
Tested with JDK 12.0.1
That should be fixed though by IntelliJ team as soon as possible as more and more Java projects are passing to JDK 11 ++
I fixed this error by disabling Kotlin plugin since I am not using it and the problem is solved
Update your module-info.java file
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.graphics;
requires javafx.web;
opens sample;
opens sample.controller;
It opens the package (eg. sample) which contains your Launcher file and opens package conatinsyoyr controllers and its corresponding fxml files (eg. sample.controller)
I had the same issue. Here is what worked:
I had the same problem. I worked in a pure Java project managed with Maven. Till some days ago I applied the solution "rebuild" the project, but sometimes the error came back again.
After more investigation, I found that after disable "Enable migration detection" menu, the problem disappears.
I hope this helps.