I am trying to run Elasticsearch 2.1.1 in my Linux machine which I am the root user of it.
When I tried to execute the Elasticsearch.I am getting the following error
Open script file:
vi bin/elasticsearch
Add property for allow root:
Good luck.
we need to create a new user in Linux server say user = es
and grant sudo chown -R es elasticsearch-6.1.0/
then you can switch 'es' user account and run ./elasticsearch-6.1.0/bin/elasticsearch
There are two workarounds to resolve this issue :
Solution 1: download zip file n unzip then start by following command
bin/elasticsearch -Des.insecure.allow.root=true -d
Solution 2:
vi bin/elasticsearch
Add property to allow root to run two instance:
Save and close. You can start by root now.
You can also create alias
alias elasticsearch='elasticsearch -Des.insecure.allow.root=true'
Add above line in bashrc file, After that elasticsearch command will work.
You should change the owner and group of the elasticsearch-X.X.X and run as that user. It works in elasticsearch-5.3.0
Based of the following code-snippet looks like you should be able to achieve this by enabling property es.insecure.allow.root
Example :
bin/elasticsearch -Des.insecure.allow.root=true