This is a valid question. From this article, JSR 94
does not standardize the following:
The rule engine itself
The execution flow for rules
The language used to describe the rules
The deployment mechanism for Java EE technology
Thus, it may be possible to use a DSL that could be executed on the client and server, and this could be developed, executed, and managed as per the JSR 94 architecture. Or not.
Another article Creating a simple rules engine using the Java scripting API employs JSR-233 plus other stuff to create a rule engine system. This however predates the JSR 94.
I got to this stackoverflow page since I too was looking for a solution. Currently, I have a page to validate on client side where groups of fields can trigger different validation rules, and requirements are changing. To write this in imperative code just creates a mess with high cyclomatic complexity.
However, the easiest thing to do is use one of the many JavaScript form validation libraries out there. Still looking.