I need to store and compare dates (without times) in my app, without caring about time zones.
I can see three solutions to this:
(date1.year == da
Use instead the package: dart_date Dart Extensions for DartTime
dart_date provides the most comprehensive, yet simple and consistent toolset for manipulating Dart dates.
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
DateTime date = ....;
if (date.isSameDay(now)) {
} else {
Also here the difference in days :
int differenceInDays(DateTime a, DateTime b) => a.differenceInDays(b);
You can use compareTo:
var temp = DateTime.now().toUtc();
var d1 = DateTime.utc(temp.year,temp.month,temp.day);
var d2 = DateTime.utc(2018,10,25); //you can add today's date here
I am using this function to calculate the difference in days.
Comparing dates is tricky as the result depends not just on the timestamps but also the timezone of the user.
int diffInDays (DateTime date1, DateTime date2) {
return ((date1.difference(date2) - Duration(hours: date1.hour) + Duration(hours: date2.hour)).inHours / 24).round();
Since I asked this, extension methods have been released in Dart. I would now implement option 1 as an extension method:
extension DateOnlyCompare on DateTime {
bool isSameDate(DateTime other) {
return this.year == other.year && this.month == other.month
&& this.day == other.day;