I tried to write the program in Haskell that will take a string of integer numbers delimitated by comma, convert it to list of integer numbers and increment each number by 1
Doesn't Data.List.Split.splitOn do this?
splitBy delimiter = foldr f [[]]
where f c l@(x:xs) | c == delimiter = []:l
| otherwise = (c:x):xs
Edit: not by the original author, but below is a more (overly?) verbose, and less flexible version (specific to Char
) to help clarify how this works. Use the above version because it works on any list of a type with an Eq
splitBy :: Char -> String -> [String]
splitBy _ "" = [];
splitBy delimiterChar inputString = foldr f [""] inputString
where f :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
f currentChar allStrings@(partialString:handledStrings)
| currentChar == delimiterChar = "":allStrings -- start a new partial string at the head of the list of all strings
| otherwise = (currentChar:partialString):handledStrings -- add the current char to the partial string
-- input: "a,b,c"
-- fold steps:
-- first step: 'c' -> [""] -> ["c"]
-- second step: ',' -> ["c"] -> ["","c"]
-- third step: 'b' -> ["","c"] -> ["b","c"]
-- fourth step: ',' -> ["b","c"] -> ["","b","c"]
-- fifth step: 'a' -> ["","b","c"] -> ["a","b","c"]
This code works fine use:- split "Your string" [] and replace ',' with any delimiter
split [] t = [t]
split (a:l) t = if a==',' then (t:split l []) else split l (t++[a])