How do I see the differences between 2 MySQL dumps?

后端 未结 6 868
既然无缘 2020-12-29 21:19

I have 2 MySQL dump files. I want to find the table data difference between 2 tables.

  • 2020-12-29 21:41

    This tool is not available anymore, as the website is no longer functional.

    Maybe you can give a tool called mysqldiff a go, I haven't tried it myself yet but it's been on my list for a while.

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  • 2020-12-29 21:42

    Use a DIFF tool - here are some graphical ones (both are free):

    • KDIFF
    • winmerge
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-29 21:42

    Here's what I use. It works.

    # Do a mysqldump of the a db, once a day or so and diff to the previous day. I want to catch when data has changed
    # Use the --extended-insert=false so that each row of data is on a single line, that way the diff catches individual record changes
    mv /tmp/dbdump0.sql /tmp/dbdump1.sql 2>/dev/null
    mysqldump -h -P 3306 -u username -p password --complete-insert --extended-insert=false dbname > /tmp/dbdump0.sql
    # Ignore everything except data lines
    grep "^INSERT" /tmp/dbdump0.sql  > /tmp/dbdump0inserts
    grep "^INSERT" /tmp/dbdump1.sql  > /tmp/dbdump1inserts
    diff /tmp/dbdump1.sql  /tmp/dbdump0.sql   > /tmp/dbdumpdiffs
    if [[ 0 != "$r" ]] ; then
        # notifier code remove
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  • 2020-12-29 21:50

    This was very useful for me, so adding my two cents:

    git diff --word-diff=color dump1.sql dump2.sql | less -R
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  • 2020-12-29 21:55

    run mysqldump with "--skip-opt" to get the 2 dumps files i.e:

    mysqldump --skip-opt -u $MY_USER -p$MY_PASS mydb1 > /tmp/dump1.sql
    mysqldump --skip-opt -u $MY_USER -p$MY_PASS mydb2 > /tmp/dump2.sql

    compare using these diff options:

    diff -y --suppress-common-lines /tmp/dump1 /tmp/dump2
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  • 2020-12-29 21:55

    In order to compare 2 mysql diffs they need to be done in a certain manner, so that the order is in a defined way and non relevant data is omitted.

    This was at one point not totally possible with mysqldump, I am not sure if this has changed in the meantime.

    One good tool for the job is pydumpy (mirror:

    If you want to compare to an old dump, like in the question, you could first create a temporary database from the dump and then start there.

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