I\'m new to Nancy and I want to return both a custom HttpStatusCode and a body (content). If I return an HttpStatusCode, it returns it with a blank body. If I return a str
This should work.
public class SendSMS : NancyModule
public SendSMS()
Post["/SendSMS"] = parameters =>
return Negotiate.WithModel("Missing \"to\" param")
For more information check the docs on controlling content negotiation.
You could always create an instance of the Response
type and set the Body
and StatusCode
yourself. If you wanted to take a shortcut you could do something like
var r = (Response)"Some string that goes into the body";
r.StatusCode = 123;
return r;
This is the simplest way I've found:
Return from your Module:
return new Response {
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ReasonPhrase = "Resource not found"
If you have problems with encoding it's better to use
return new TextResponse(HttpStatusCode.STATUS, "Text Responsé")