I am getting below error in intellij for a gradle project. I am importing existing gradle project and trying refresh it in gradle window.
Error:No such prope
it's work downgrade gradle from 5.1.1 to 4.10.3
I had this problem while upgrading to java 11.
I had to downgrade gradle from 5.0 to 4.10.3. Then I needed to upgrade to the latest version of Intellij Idea. You'll probably just need to upgrade Intellij.
edit: Downgrading gradle is the fix. The Intellij version didn't matter.
After a couple of days, I found a solution to this.
1)First, find the Gradle version (gradle -v), In my case, Gradle version was 4.1.
2)Then in the android studio change my Gradle version to 4.1 (File --> Project Structure -> Project)
3)Click ok Button.
that's it :)
I just had to downgrade gradle from 5.1.1 to 4.10.3 to resolve it. However it caused an another error: “cannot resolve symbol R” in Android Studio. I was using gradle 3.3.0. It was the main culprit. Gradle 3.2.1 removed the error.
This was happend to me after i fromat my lap and after installing android 3.1 i tryed to open my projects then this error came
This worked for me:
unstall the android studio > reinstaleled it and updat to the leatest version > upadate gradle
You need at least Idea 2017.3 to work with Gradle 5.0+, earlier versions are not compatible because of implicit import being removed in version 5.0. See related youtrack ticket