I have a function with two optional parameters:
def func(a=0, b=10):
return a+b
Somewhere else in my code I am doing some conditional a
You can use the ternary if-then operator to pass conditional arguements into functions https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ternary-operator-in-python/
For example, if you want to check if a key actually exists before passing it you can do something like:
def func(arg):
kwargs = {'name':'Adam')
func( kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs.keys() else '' ) #Expected Output: 'Adam'
func( kwargs['notakey'] if 'notakey' in kwargs.keys() else '' ) #Expected Output: ''
You can add a decorator that would eliminate None
def skip_nones(fun):
def _(*args, **kwargs):
for a, v in zip(fun.__code__.co_varnames, args):
if v is not None:
kwargs[a] = v
return fun(**kwargs)
return _
def func(a=10, b=20):
print a, b
func(None, None) # 10 20
func(11, None) # 11 20
func(None, 33) # 10 33
To answer your literal question:
func(a or 0, b or 10)
Edit: See comment why this doesn't answer the question.