(Angular 2 RC4)
With @HostBinding we should be able to modify properties of the host, right? My question is, does this apply to @Input() properties as well and if so
At least I an endless recursion (thousands of cycles). Put a console.log in the get function to check:
@HostBinding('@someAnim') get whatever() {
console.log('#### traffic.....');
return true;
I even got that trouble, when just changing some class (so nothing around fancy Angular animation) and not even relying on any other class member whatsoever:
@HostBinding('class.foobar') get _____() {
console.log('#### more traffic.....');
return true;
An addition, it doesn't hurt to have this in your component while developing (as a “free flow canary”):
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
console.log('#### more traffic.....');
You should only see one log entry per, say, state-change and instantiated component, anyway not thousands...
—At last— I had luck with this one:
@Input() animTileAttrib = false;
@HostBinding('@animTile') paramPack: AnimParams = { value: false, params: {}};
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
console.log('#### traffic.....');
if ('animTileAttrib' in changes) {
this.paramPack = { value: changes.animTileAttrib.currentValue, params: {} };
(1) declare hostbinding property with input property.
@HostBinding('attr.aaa') @Input() aaa: boolean = false;
(2) set hostbinding property to input property
@Input() aaa: string;
@HostBinding('attr.bbb') ccc: string;
this.ccc = this.aaa;
You need to combine the decorators like this:
@HostBinding('class.active') @Input() active: boolean = false;
If your @Input is an object, you can do:
@Input() settings: Settings;
public get isActive(): boolean {
return this.settings.isActive;
doesn't create property bindings to properties of the host component. That might be worth a bug report though ;-)
I got it working by a workaround with exportAs
and a template variable but that is quite ugly. https://plnkr.co/edit/TobNVn?p=preview
After some consideration, I think it should work. Otherwise I wouldn't know what @HostBinding() src;
would do at all.
@HostBinding('attr.src') src;
or @HostBinding('class.src') src;
are the more common cases.