I installed the new Ubuntu and my code has got a problem with MySQL.
( ! ) Warning: PDOStatement::execute(): SQLSTAT
If you have control of the server and you are running legacy code you can't easily change, you can adjust the SQL mode of the server and remove "only_full_group_by" either for the duration of boot, by running the query
or by adding sql_mode=''
to your my.cnf file.
Obviously its better to change your code if you have the possibility, but if not, this will disable that warning.
Try this:
SELECT p.products_id, p.products_price
FROM :table_products p
LEFT JOIN :table_specials s on p.products_id = s.products_id
products_status = :products_status AND
products_view = :products_view AND
p.products_archive = :products_archive
ORDER BY rand(), p.products_date_added DESC
GROUP BY p.products_id,p.products_price
LIMIT :products_limit