I have updated my android studio from 3.5.x to 3.6 today and getting error while generating signed apk for build variant showing the follow
Just delete app>build
and build
folders in the project path
on your computer!
The problem is build caused. The best solution is to clean and rebuild the project. Go on build and clean the project.
I had the same error after updating android studio and I fix the problem by only cleaning the project (Build > Clean Project) !:)
All I had to do was Restart my system and go to Build > Clean Project
I deleted the previous build outputs for build variant, including APK file. That's what helped me
After updating to Android Studio 4.1 I faced similar issues, for me it was "entry name 'classes.dex' collided". Error arose when building the app using the option 'Generate Signed Bundle/APK'.
The solution was simple: make sure Android Studio is not running the app when building (stop running and then try again).