I have animation code in a class that extends the UIView:
// Start Animation Block
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
[UIView beginAnimati
If you have pointers to the views you're trying to switch between, just call -removeFromSuperview on the "from" view and -addSubview:(the "to" view) on the superview. The transition doesn't rely on any particular method call; more or less any form of the "swap two views" approach will be animated properly.
Apple have a pretty good tutorial on view transitions here. Other than the way they implement them you can also look at using a UINavigationController which manages a bunch of views and transitioning between them.
Essentially you need to manage the transition in the superview rather than the view - the superview can know who it's currently displaying and who's next.
I think a Linked List of views might be what you should think about implementing.
For those who find this question who are supporting iOS 4.0 and higher, Apple has provided a built-in API for this task:
See: transitionFromView:toView:duration:options:completion: