I have an edit-form page to edit my website posts. It uses post method to the same page. If the form is compiled correctly shows up a congrats message.
The p
The general outline of the PRG pattern is this:
/// do your magic
$_SESSION['error'] = "Thanks for your message!";
// this should be the full URL per spec, but "/yourscript.php" will work
$myurl = ...;
header("Location: $myurl");
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
if ( isset($_SESSION['error']) )
print "The result of your submission: ".$_SESSION['error'];
This is called the Post/Redirect/Get pattern. You do this by responding to a POST request with a 302/303 Redirect, which prevents that troublesome behavior on the client.
You can read more about this in the link I posted above.
You should use the PRG pattern already mentioned above! Just for completeness I add the possibility of using javascript history.replaceState if your forms depend on js (e.g. noscript should invalidate the form or something similar...).
window.history.replaceState({}, '#no-reload');
You need to use the PRG pattern.