I\'m trying to populate a List of beans from a form:
public class Foo {
public String attr1;
public String attr2;
public class Bar {
public List&
If I understand it correctly, you just want different name for each hidden field?
<s:iterator value="bars" status="key">
<s:hidden name="bar.foos[%{#key.index}].attr1" value="attr1" />
<s:hidden name="bar.foos[%{#key.index}].attr2" value="attr2" />
which should give you the equivalent of
<input type="hidden" name="bar.foos[0].attr1" value="some value" />
<input type="hidden" name="bar.foos[0].attr2" value="some other value" />
<input type="hidden" name="bar.foos[1].attr1" value="some value" />
<input type="hidden" name="bar.foos[1].attr2" value="some other value" />
If you have proper getter/setter, it should set all the values when the form is being submitted.