When creating a datatable
with filter = \'top\'
and also using a formatting function on a column, the formatting isn\'t applied to the filter contr
Not sure if there's a way to do it. A workaround can be multiplying by 100:
my_data$wt_pctile <- my_data$wt_pctile * 100
And than displaying as a string with the % sign:
datatable(my_data, filter = 'top') %>%
formatString(suffix = "%",columns = "wt_pctile")
I think Yanir is halfway there! What if you multiplied by 100 and then
datatable(my_data, filter = 'top') %>%
formatCurrency(columns = "wt_pctile",
currency = "%",
before = FALSE)
This prevents double or triple %s when sorting.