I have read \"How to implement a typescript decorator?\" and multiple sources but there is something that i have nor been able to do with decorators.
class F
Don't use an arrow function. Use a function expression:
function log(target: Object, key: string, value: any) {
return {
value: function(...args: any[]) {
var a = args.map(a => JSON.stringify(a)).join();
var result = value.value.apply(this, args);
var r = JSON.stringify(result);
console.log(`Call: ${key}(${a}) => ${r}`);
return result;
That way it will use the function's this
context instead of the value of this
when log is called.
By the way, I would recommend editing the descriptor/value parameter and return that instead of overwriting it by returning a new descriptor. That way you keep the properties currently in the descriptor and won't overwrite what another decorator might have done to the descriptor:
function log(target: Object, key: string, descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<any>) {
var originalMethod = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function(...args: any[]) {
var a = args.map(a => JSON.stringify(a)).join();
var result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);
var r = JSON.stringify(result);
console.log(`Call: ${key}(${a}) => ${r}`);
return result;
return descriptor;
More details in this answer - See the "Bad vs Good" example under "Example - Without Arguments > Notes"
I believe you can use
var self = this;
in order to preserve the 'this' at that specific point. Then, just use self
at the later point where you would have wanted that particular this