What is the best options for animations (texture animations, moving objects, hiding/showing object,...) in three.js ? Do you use extra lib. such as tween.js or something els
Tween.js is the popular way to go... check the article at: http://learningthreejs.com/blog/2011/08/17/tweenjs-for-smooth-animation/
small roundup in 2017: check out this simple timeline-lib which can easily trigger the above mentioned FSM (statebased anim) & tween.js (smooth anim):
Copy paste this:
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function( callback ){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
(function animloop(){
function render()
The original author is: http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
I made this to emulate orbiting with human characteristics (jerky) but it can be used for other animations like object translations, positions and rotations.
function twController(node,prop,arr,dur){
var obj,first,second,xyz,i,v,tween,html,prev,starter;
case "camera": obj = camera; break;
default: obj = scene.getObjectByName(node);
xyz = "x,y,z".split(",");
first = obj[prop];
second = {};
second[xyz[i]] = v;
tween = new TWEEN.Tween(first)
.to(second, dur)
obj[prop][xyz[i]] = first[xyz[i]];
html = [];
if(i >0){
starter = tween;
prev = tween;
Many agree that you need RequestAnimationFrame to manage browser performance. Three.js even includes a cross-browser shim for it.
I would also recommend Frame.js for managing timeline-based renders. RequestAnimationFrame does a great job, but only maintains a minimum frame-rate based on the performance of the browser. Better flow control libraries like Frame offer the ability to have a maximum frame-rate, and better manage multiple intensive operations.
Also, Javascript FSM has become an essential part of my three.js applications. Whether you are building a UI or a Game, the objects have to have states, and careful management of transitioning animations and rules are essential for any complex application logic.
And yes, you need an easing library. I often use the jQuery.easing plugin. It is a plugin for jQuery.animate, but the easing functions can also be accessed like this:
var x = {}; // an empty object (used when called by jQuery, but not us)
var t = currentTime;
var b = beginningValue;
var c = potentialChangeInValue;
var d = durationOfAnimation;
valueAtTime = jQuery.easing.easeOutExpo(x, t, b, c, d);
This jQuery plugin, and most easing plugins are based on Robert Penner's ActionScript2 easing library, which is worth checking out if the t,b,c,d thing above looks strange.