I\'m trying to find the line number where my code crashes but many explanation on this site seems to complicated for my level.
My code is basically as below and I h
If your code doesn't have line numbers, then VBA has no way of giving you line numbers.
You can write VBA and make it look 1980-like to do this:
On Error GoTo 100
10 Call Function1
20 Call Function2
90 Exit Sub
100 Debug.Print Err.Message & " on line " & Erl
End Sub
But you don't want to do that. Really, you don't need a line number.
You need smaller functions that handle runtime errors.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
When a runtime error occurs, execution jumps to the line label called ErrHandler
Exit Sub
ErrHandler: '<< the line label is denoted with a colon
What goes in that handler? If you're debugging, you might want to just Stop
execution there and inspect your locals:
Then add Resume
on the next line, and press F8 to step into it. Resume
will return to the call that caused the error. If that's a function call, then you need to handle runtime errors in that function.
Make sure you never leave Stop
and Resume
instructions in production code:
Sub WhenWillThisEnd()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Debug.Print 42/0
Exit Sub
Resume 'jumps back to the line that caused the error
Resume Next 'resumes execution on the line right after the one that went boom
End Sub