I\'ve been trying to refine my camera parameters with CvLevMarq
but after reading about it, it seems to be causing mixed results - which is exactly what I am ex
It seems your parameter initialization is the problem. I would use a linear estimator first, i.e. ignore your noisy sensor, and then use this as the initial values for the non-linear optimizer.
A quick method is to use getaffinetransform, as you have mostly rotation.
Maybe you want to take a look at this library: https://github.com/ethz-asl/kalibr.
If you want to stitch the images, you should see stitching_detailed.cpp. It will probably solve your problem.
In addition, I have used Graph Cut Seam Finding method with Canny Edge Detection for better stitching results in this code. If you want to optimize this code, see here.
Also, if you are going to use it for personal use, SIFT is good. You should know, SIFT is patented and will cost you if you use it for commercial purposes. Use ORB instead.
Hope it helps!