I am trying to add days to a given date using javascript. I have the following code
function onChange(e) {
var datepicker = $(\"#DatePicker\").val();
I would like to encourage you to use DateJS library. It is really awesome!
function onChange(e) {
var date = Date.parse($("#DatePicker").val()); //You might want to tweak this to as per your needs.
var new_date = date.add(n).days();
$('.new').val(new_date.toString('M/d/yyyy'); //You might want to tweak this as per your needs as well.
Date.prototype.addDays = function(days) {
this.setDate(this.getDate() + days);
return this;
and in your javascript code you could call
var currentDate = new Date();
// to add 8 days to current date
function onChange(e) {
var datepicker = $("#DatePicker").val();
var parts = datepicker.split(/[^\d]/);
var joindate = new Date();
joindate.setFullYear(parts[2], parts[1]-1, parts[0]);
var numberOfDaysToAdd = 1;
joindate.setDate(joindate + numberOfDaysToAdd);
var dd = joindate.getDate();
var mm = joindate.getMonth() + 1;
var y = joindate.getFullYear();
var joinFormattedDate = dd + '/' + mm + '/' + y;
I suppose the problem is JavaScript expects format MM/DD/YYYY not DD/MM/YYYY when passed into Date constructor.
The first alert is the value of the field. the second is the generated date from a non-US formatted date.
If you want to keep your code, then you need to change
var joindate = new Date(datepicker);
var parms = datepicker.split("/");
then use
var joindate = new Date(parms[1]+"/"+parms[0]+"/"+parms[2]);
OR the identically working
var joindate = new Date(parms[2],parms[1]-1,parms[0]);
As pointed out in a few other answers too, use the .getDate()
joindate.setDate(joindate.getDate() + numberOfDaysToAdd);
Lastly you want to add a 0 if the month is < 10
if (mm<10) mm="0"+mm;
If you are using the datepicker from jQuery UI, then you can do
$('.new').val($("#DatePicker").datepicker( "setDate" , +1 ).val());
instead of your function
Sets the current date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g. '01/26/2009'), a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null to clear the selected date.