many-to-many mapping in NHibernate

后端 未结 1 1302
北海茫月 2020-12-29 11:26

I\'m looking to create a many to many relationship using NHibernate. I\'m not sure how to map these in the XML files. I have not created the classes yet, but they will jus

  • 2020-12-29 12:15

    You can put the many-to-many relation to either class, or even to both. This is up to your domain model. If you map it to both, one of them is inverse.

    class Person
      // id ...
      IList<Competency> Competencies { get; private set; }
      // you domain model is responsible to manage bidirectional dependencies.
      // of course this is not a complete implementation
      public void AddCompetency(Competency competency)
    class Competency
      // id ...
      IList<Person> Persons { get; private set; }


    <class name="Person">
      <id ....>
      <bag name="Competencies" table="Person_x_Competency">
        <key column="personId"/>
        <many-to-many class="Competency" column="competencyId"/>
    <class name="Competency">
      <id ....>
      <bag name="Persons" table="Person_x_Competency" inverse="true">
        <key column="competencyId"/>
        <many-to-many class="Person" column="personId"/>

    Only make it bidirectional if you really need it.

    By the way: it is much better to write the classes first and create the database design afterwards. The database can be exported from the mapping files. This is very useful.

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