I\'m looking for a way to validate a java.lang.Double
field in the Spring command bean for its maximum and minimum values (a value must lie between a given rang
Newer versions of Hibernate Validator (at least 6.0.17) supports @DecimalMin/Max
annotation on double
See class for validation
You can also use @Digits
from the hibernate validator API as well
@Digits(integer = 10 /*precision*/, fraction = 2 /*scale*/)
If you have switched to BigDecimal (or BigInteger), you could use @DecimalMin or @DecimalMax. But this is still no solution for float or double.
Sometimes it's convenient in pair with @AssertTrue
/ @AssertFalse
from javax.validation.constraints
public final class WeightBean {
private Double txtWeight; //Getter and setter.
public boolean getTxtWeightCheck() {
return txtWeight > 0.1 && txtWeight < 0.9;
You can use the annotation, but you might get false results depending. This is a general problem with doubles and imo in many cases _Double_s should be avoided. Maybe switching to a different type is the best solution? BigDecimal for example?
I have avoided the double
and the float
types and implemented a custom validator that could validate a BigDecimal
value based on the precision and the scale.
The constraint descriptor.
package constraintdescriptor;
import constraintvalidator.BigDecimalRangeValidator;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
@Constraint(validatedBy = BigDecimalRangeValidator.class)
public @interface BigDecimalRange {
public String message() default "{java.math.BigDecimal.range.error}";
public Class<?>[] groups() default {};
public Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
long minPrecision() default Long.MIN_VALUE;
long maxPrecision() default Long.MAX_VALUE;
int scale() default 0;
The constraint validator.
package constraintvalidator;
import constraintdescriptor.BigDecimalRange;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
public final class BigDecimalRangeValidator implements ConstraintValidator<BigDecimalRange, Object> {
private long maxPrecision;
private long minPrecision;
private int scale;
public void initialize(final BigDecimalRange bigDecimalRange) {
maxPrecision = bigDecimalRange.maxPrecision();
minPrecision = bigDecimalRange.minPrecision();
scale = bigDecimalRange.scale();
public boolean isValid(final Object object, final ConstraintValidatorContext cvc) {
boolean isValid = false;
if (object == null) { // This should be validated by the not null validator (@NotNull).
isValid = true;
} else if (object instanceof BigDecimal) {
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(object.toString());
int actualPrecision = bigDecimal.precision();
int actualScale = bigDecimal.scale();
isValid = actualPrecision >= minPrecision && actualPrecision <= maxPrecision && actualScale <= scale;
if (!isValid) {
cvc.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate("Precision expected (minimun : " + minPrecision + ", maximum : " + maxPrecision + "). Maximum scale expected : " + scale + ". Found precision : " + actualPrecision + ", scale : " + actualScale).addConstraintViolation();
return isValid;
This could be extended for other types as well, as and when required.
And finally in the bean, the property of the type BigDecimal
could be annotated by the @BigDecimalRange
annotation as follows.
package validatorbeans;
public final class WeightBean {
@BigDecimalRange(minPrecision = 1, maxPrecision = 33, scale = 2, groups = {ValidationGroup.class}, message = "The precision and the scale should be less than or equal to 35 and 2 respectively.")
private BigDecimal txtWeight; // Getter and setter.
public interface ValidationGroup {}