I am fairly new to Laravel and had a question regarding the remember me function.
I have successfully enabled the \"remember me\" function by attaching a second argu
I don't know whether its a good way to do it or not, but if you are desperate to set the expiration time for remember me you can try this, it works for me though.
Let the laravel's Auth::atempt($credential,true)
do its normal business, i.e, setting the remember me expiration time to 5 years
We will change this in App::after()
method, so in your filters.php
file find App::after()
method and change the cookie expiration time
App::after(function($request, $response)
if ( Auth::check()){
$ckname=Auth::getRecallerName(); //Get the name of the cookie, where remember me expiration time is stored
$ckval=Cookie::get($ckname); //Get the value of the cookie
return $response->withCookie(Cookie::make($ckname,$ckval,360)); //change the expiration time
Note: Cookie::make('name','value','expiration time');