I\'m interested in hearing some discussion about class attributes in Python. For example, what is a good use case for class attributes? For the most part, I can not come up
I never use class attributes to initialize default instance attributes (the ones you normally put in __init__
). For example:
class Obj(object):
def __init__(self):
self.users = 0
and never:
class Obj(object):
users = 0
Why? Because it's inconsistent: it doesn't do what you want when you assign anything but an invariant object:
class Obj(object):
users = []
causes the users list to be shared across all objects, which in this case isn't wanted. It's confusing to split these into class attributes and assignments in __init__
depending on their type, so I always put them all in __init__
, which I find clearer anyway.
As for the rest, I generally put class-specific values inside the class. This isn't so much because globals are "evil"--they're not so big a deal as in some languages, because they're still scoped to the module, unless the module itself is too big--but if external code wants to access them, it's handy to have all of the relevant values in one place. For example, in module.py:
class Obj(object):
class Exception(Exception): pass
and then:
from module import Obj
o = Obj()
except o.Exception:
print "error"
Aside from allowing subclasses to change the value (which isn't always wanted anyway), it means I don't have to laboriously import exception names and a bunch of other stuff needed to use Obj. "from module import Obj, ObjException, ..." gets tiresome quickly.
Class attributes are often used to allow overriding defaults in subclasses. For example, BaseHTTPRequestHandler has class constants sys_version and server_version, the latter defaulting to "BaseHTTP/" + __version__
. SimpleHTTPRequestHandler overrides server_version to "SimpleHTTP/" + __version__
what is a good use case for class attributes
Case 0. Class methods are just class attributes. This is not just a technical similarity - you can access and modify class methods at runtime by assigning callables to them.
Case 1. A module can easily define several classes. It's reasonable to encapsulate everything about class A
into A...
and everything about class B
into B...
. For example,
# module xxx
class X:
# main program
from xxx import X
if nthreads < X.MAX_THREADS: ...
Case 2. This class has lots of default attributes which can be modified in an instance. Here the ability to leave attribute to be a 'global default' is a feature, not bug.
class NiceDiff:
"""Formats time difference given in seconds into a form '15 minutes ago'."""
magic = .249
pattern = 'in {0}', 'right now', '{0} ago'
divisions = 1
# there are more default attributes
One creates instance of NiceDiff to use the existing or slightly modified formatting, but a localizer to a different language subclasses the class to implement some functions in a fundamentally different way and redefine constants:
class Разница(NiceDiff): # NiceDiff localized to Russian
'''Из разницы во времени, типа -300, делает конкретно '5 минут назад'.'''
pattern = 'через {0}', 'прям щас', '{0} назад'
Your cases:
self.CONSTANT = ...
, so I don't see a big risk for clobbering them. __init__
depending on the semantics. Encapsulation is a good principle: when an attribute is inside the class it pertains to instead of being in the global scope, this gives additional information to people reading the code.
In your situations 1-4, I would thus avoid globals as much as I can, and prefer using class attributes, which allow one to benefit from encapsulation.